Dear comrades
There is less than a month until the MACEDONIAN FIGHTER international military competition begins. Along with that our anxiety, to fulfill our promises concerning the competition and to manage everything to be perfect and on time, rises to climax. As we previously promised, at this year there will be innovations that will raise the whole competition to another level, such as the Boat Search & Seizure station /evaluation.As is it clearly understandable this subject is specialized and demands experienced evaluators (whom they are a noble donation of the NNK GROUP) and a special preparation. The organization committee is doing it's best so everything will be in order. According to that there's been an order concerning 10 ProTec helmets and also practical exercise on the subject (b.s.s.) that it was necessary to come to specific conclusions.
Last Saturday a 10 member team of L.EF.E.D. (S.B.A.T. school) went to a seaside location in order to train with the help of a member of the S.O.F. of Greece with a huge experience at this demanding subject (b.s.s.), who participated in many operations.
We also had the help and support of the captain Christoforos who allowed us to use his fishing boat (we deeply thank them both). The conclusions were many and diverse as the people who took part at this training had no experience at this type of operation like most of the ones that will participate at the competition.
For the time being you can enjoy the uploaded photos from last Saturday's training, but after MACEDONIAN FIGHTER 2011 finishes your photos will be the ones uploaded at macedonianfighter.blogspot.com. The photographers of the FOTONIUM team will take care of that.