Gen.Konstantinos Trahanatzis
Ηonorary President of LEFED
Chief Director Of "Macedonian Fighter 2011"
Gountsidis George
N.C.O. Special Forces (Ret. 2007)
Served with Hellenic Armed Forces for 23 years, 21 in Special Forces (ETA, Z'MAK)
Recce Patrol, Survival, Demo Expert, Mil.Intel.,HumInt
Military Freefall Jumpmaster , HAHO HALO Operational
Military Freefall Jumpmaster , HAHO HALO Operational
I.L.L.R.P.S. Instructor (Weingarden)
Contacted Operation in many EU countries ,Anti Terrorist security during "Athens 2004"
Bodygard of 2 MoD's
Greek Embassy of Baghdad Security Officer during Desert Shield/ Desert Storm
"Persona non Grata" from Saddam's Government for his Intelligence activity (1989-92) John McAleese (Mac)
Co-Founder and Operational Director of NNK group.
23 years in service with British Army , with 17 to 22nd SAS Regiment.
Among others an expert in explosives , VIP protection , and special anti-terrorism missions.
Had planned and operated missions in almost all countries as in the Falklands War and in Northern Ireland.
Played a key role in the recapture of the Iranian Embassy in May 1980 in London.
He was a bodyguard of three British Prime Ministers and six Members of the Royal Family.
Stylianos Hydraios
Served his tour of duty with Hellenic Army Special Forces and successfully graduated from Hellenic Navy Underwater Demolition school and also Hellenic Army Parachutist school .
After the end of service he joined as a volunteer non-commissioned officer in the MYK - Unit and then to the Navy Underwater Demolition Command (ΔΥΚ) .
During his service in the Underwater Demolition Teams (OYK) became a member of unorthodox warfare team (ΟΑΠ), member of Mine Neutralization Groups(OEN) and Trainer on different schools of Underwater Demolition Command.
Graduated many School of Special Forces in Greece and abroad took part in exercises and operations with OYK in Greece and abroad, and also in joint exercises and operations with Special Forces units of other countries members of NATO.
He retired in 2010 with the rank of chief petty officer and the position of Accounting Officer of Training to the Underwater Demolition School of ΔΥΚ.

Nikolaos Kosmaras
Founder/Director of training tactical A.C.E.G. CO.
Active IPSC shooter since 1998
2champions at production category
2 times with the Greek national team(GERMANY PAN EUROPEAN PISTOL CUP)
CHIEF RANGE OFFICER(CRO)in international 2nd level since2003
participations at level 3races all over Europe at many European champions
champion of level 1 & 2races many time at national level
tour of duty at GREEK SPECIAL FORCE

Alex Chamlatzis
Founder/Director of training Tactical Solutions
Alex Chamlatzis first got involved with the IPSC practical shooting circuit in 1997. Within his second season of IPSC competition he participates in the European IPSC Handgun Championship (Creta, Greece, 1998) both as a shooter and as a match official. During the next couple of years he develops his shooting skills and competes in most major Greek IPSC matches. In 2001 he is in the top 4 Greek championship shooters for the Production Division and earns a seat in the 1st Production Greek National IPSC team to compete in the European IPSC Handgun Champioship (Philippsburg, Germany, 2001). Since his first IPSC Nationals in 1998 Alex has won many IPSC matches and has finished in the top 10 of IPSC shooters in both Production and Standard Divisions.
Alex brings his personal instruction abilities to the world of competition and law enforcement providing instructional courses on firearms safety and on weapons manipulation and IPSC competition.
In 2009 he founds tactical SOLUTIONS CO, a tactical equipment and training company and becomes the director of training. Turning his hobby into work he continues to evolve as a competitive shooter and brings his 14 years of skills & experience in weapons manipulation to the competition shooter and the law enforcement/private security professional.
George Vaggos
EKAB Rescuer / Trainer
Trainer on Basic CPR 1993
Trained operator of hyperbaric chamber 1993
Navy Diver (MYK) 1994
Rescue Diver, PADI 1995
Rescue Diver, PADI 1995
Bavaria Red Cross - mountain rescue 1995State School of Merchant Marine / rescue and firefighting equipment 1995
Clinical Education Instructor - 251 Hellenic Air Force Hospital 1996
Clinical Education Instructor - 251 Hellenic Air Force Hospital 1996
Limited safe air user , ANDI 1997
Complete safe air user ,ANDI 1997
TVX ,Mine Rescue Team Training 1998
TVX ,Mine Rescue Team Training 1998
Instructor of trainers / Emergency Medical Planing–International 1998
Marine Survival Training School / Hellenic Air Force 1999
Instructor of trainers / P.H.T.L.S 1999
Instructor of trainers / BLS/AED 2001 Training program on (chemical biological radiological nuclear defense)2004
Trained to ALS /(European Resuscitation Council –ERC) 2005

Cptn Demetrios Tetos
Evaluator LEFED Xanthi
N.C.O.Special Forces since 1983(ret.with the rank of captain 2008)
Graduate from all Greek Schools for Special Forces(Ranger,Parchutist,etc)
P.A.D.I. Diver(3 specialties)
Trained to ALS /(European Resuscitation Council –ERC) 2005

Cptn Demetrios Tetos
Evaluator LEFED Xanthi
N.C.O.Special Forces since 1983(ret.with the rank of captain 2008)
Graduate from all Greek Schools for Special Forces(Ranger,Parchutist,etc)
P.A.D.I. Diver(3 specialties)